- 8 Forest
- 7 Swamp
- 4 Golgari Guildgate
- 1 Mutavault
- 4 Overgrown Tomb
Creatures (26)
- 4 Dreg Mangler
- 4 Elvish Mystic
- 4 Lotleth Troll
- 3 Reaper of the Wilds
- 2 Scavenging Ooze
- 4 Boon Satyr
- 2 Polukranos, World Eater
- 3 Varolz, the Scar-Striped
Spells (10)
- 1 Pithing Needle
- 1 Lifebane Zombie
- 3 Mistcutter Hydra
- 1 Shadowborn Demon
- 2 Gift of Orzhova
- 1 Illness in the Ranks
- 1 Dark Betrayal
- 2 Golgari Charm
- 1 Vraska the Unseen
- 2 Duress
Here we have an interesting list that many have dubbed as Kibler Golgari. There were a few pros piloting this style deck at the GP last weekend but apparently it was ill positioned against the field on Sunday. With a high concentration of creatures this deck is heavily invested in turning cards sideways. The gold boardered creatures which are almost unique to this deck in Lotleth Troll, Dreg Mangler, Varolz and Reaper provide some hefty beef and synergy to the deck. The ability to turn every creature in the graveyard into a scavenge from Varolz works well with Lotleth allowing discard and works to get you some big beaters into play. Speaking of big creatures Polukranos, Boon Satyr and Reaper provide the deck with a fast clock to any decks that aren’t prepared for the onslaught. Utility from Scavenging Ooze and some acceleration from Mystic round out the package. The creatures are backed up by a strong removal foursome of Hero’s Downfall, Abrupt Decay, Putrefy and Golgari Charm to clear the board of most any threats. Thoughtseize also plays in as some light disruption and certainly one of the better black one drops in standard.