Tag: cardfight-vanguard

Tyson Fraleigh - March 30, 2023

Dragontree Invasion!

Dragontree Invasion is the newest booster set release coming to the Cardfight!! Vanguard TCG! Gain access to units and archetypes only seen in Cardfight Vanguard will+Dress Season 2, and collect special reprints to update your collection!

Get your hands on some new Ride Lines that will give you a powerful advantage on your upcoming competition. Based on some of the newest characters from Cardfight Vanguard will+Dress Season 2, utilize powerful abilities you have seen on screen in your next deck! Whether you want to channel the powers of Danji & “Diabolos, “Viamance” Bruce”, Sophie Belle & “Almajestar, Astroea=Unica”, or Sam & “Blue Deathster, “Skyrender” Avantgarda”, you will have some powerful cards to help destroy your opponents units!

But new cards aren’t the only unique additions on the table. Five popular cards from the Awakening of Chakrabarthi booster set are getting some big upgrades! Get your hands on Trickmoon, Brainwash Swirler, Cardinal Draco, Masurea, Heavenly Pike of Solicitation, Cornvoc, and Blue Artillery Dragon, Inlet Pulse Dragon in their new RRR treatments! Make sure to also check out the additional five powerful cards getting a special reprint, including Stealth Dragon, Togachirashi and Diabolos Madonna, Meagan!

Dragontree Invasion comes out on March 31st, 2023!

Get all your board game news from The Bag of Loot! www.thebagofloot.com
Get all your board game needs from Three Kings Loot! www.threekingsloot.com

Tyson Fraleigh - December 29, 2022

Minerva Rising!

Minerva Rising is the newest booster set release coming to the Cardfight!! Vanguard TCG! Power up your decks with some familiar faces making their Standard debut!

It’s time to step away from Premium and make some splashes in Standard! Powerful units from other formats will be making their Standard debut in this set, such as Omniscience Regalia, Minerva; Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier; Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom; and many, many more! There will also be cards from the Cray Cross Epic, including Monster Creator, Arkhite and Peak Personage Stealth Rogue, Shojodoji!

Building off of the Booster Pack 05 release of Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes!, utilize brand new rear-guard units to strengthen your Glitter ride line! Chain powerful Glitter abilities together and decimate your opponents’ Vanguard!

This booster set release will include 96 cards, plus additional Parallels of key cards in the set. Each booster pack will include 7 random cards, with each pack including at least 2 R cards or above. Booster boxes will include 16 packs, each with the possibility of grabbing your own serial number edition of Omniscience Regalia, Minerva!

Minerva Rising comes out on February 3rd, 2022!

Get all your board game news from The Bag of Loot! www.thebagofloot.com
Get all your board game needs from Three Kings Loot! www.threekingsloot.com

Tyson Fraleigh - November 4, 2022

The Underworld of Secrets!

It’s time to descend into a world of deception and intrigue! The Underworld of Secrets is an upcoming booster set release for the Force of Will TCG. Discover long discarded knowledge and ascend to new heights as you uncover lore of old.

Channel the power of the moon once more. Moonchild cards are here once again in Underworld, as introduced in A New World Emerges…! Unlock new powers and activate destructive effects that will help you take control of the board.

This full booster set includes:

  • 61 Normal Cards
  • 5 Basic Mana Stone Cards
  • 16 Rare Cards
  • 5 Rare/J-Ruler Cards
  • 15 Super Rare Cards
  • 1 Super Rare/J-Ruler Card
  • 5 Marvel Rule Cards
  • 12 Ruler Cards (Including 4 Moonchild Ruler Cards)
  • 5 Secret Cards
  • 8 Will Coin Cards
  • 1 Token Card
  • 24 Life Counter Cards

There are a total of 150 cards in this set, with each booster pack including 10 cards. Booster boxes will include 36 packs per box, including one unique promo card per box!

The Underworld of Secrets comes out on November 25th, 2022 and the Ruler Collection Set comes out on December 2nd, 2022!

Get all your board game news from The Bag of Loot! www.thebagofloot.com
Get all your board game needs from Three Kings Loot! www.threekingsloot.com

Tyson Fraleigh - April 20, 2022

Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes!

This June commemorates ten years of Cardfight!! Vanguard! To celebrate this amazing achievement, you will be able to get your hands on the new booster set, Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes!

In this new booster set, we will have the return of some fan favourites from Awakening of the Twin Blades! Draconic Overlord the End, Majesty Lord Blaster, and Phantom Blaster Overlord will all be making an appearance. Make sure to also keep an eye out for Burning Horn Dragon, Blaster Blade, and Skull Witch, Nemain!

But these will not be the only powerful monsters to enter the field. There will also be crossover cards from the Vanguard novel Cray Chronicles! Play multiple characters from the story as you fight your way to victory.

Make sure to also check out the new Ride Line units that will be released! Special Vanguards will be coming out for every Nation, including Kheios for Dark State and Tamayura for Dragon Empire. These Vanguards will also have their own special support units, such as Mikani for Kheios and The Doll Twins, Ririmi and Rarami for Tamayura.

Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes comes out on June 10th, 2022! Pre-order your box set at Three Kings Loot here!

Get all your board game news from The Bag of Loot! www.thebagofloot.com
Get all your board game needs from Three Kings Loot! www.threekingsloot.com

Tyson Fraleigh - December 14, 2021

Advance of Intertwined Stars!

Advance of Intertwined Stars is the next upcoming booster box release from Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress! This set will see the release of both brand new cards and some familiar faces from the animated series! These familiar faces will include:

  • Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon Illist (Dark States)
  • Gravidia Nordlinger (Brandt Gate)
  • Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon (Stoicheia)

This booster set will also see a special new mechanic for Gravidia Nordlinger, utilizing the Meteorite Combo! Wipe out your opponents’ entire rear guard and deal devastating damage!

But don’t think that Dark States, Brandt Gate, and Stoicheia are the only decks getting some love. Dragon Empire is getting a brand new Vairina evolution card, resulting in more destructive attacks! And don’t get me started on the new Dress Secret Rares that will be hitting shelves with this set.

Looking to get your hands on this monster of a booster set? Then make sure you check out if your local game shop is a tournament store! If so, you can get a free PR pack with the purchase of any 10 packs of English Cardfight!! Vanguard products! It is a win-win-win!

Get Advance of Intertwined Stars on December 17th, 2021!

Get all your board game news from The Bag of Loot! www.thebagofloot.com
Get all your board game needs from Three Kings Loot! www.threekingsloot.com

Tyson Fraleigh - July 14, 2021

A Brush with the Legends: Cardfight!! Vanguard

A Brush with the Legends is the newest set coming to Cardfight!! Vanguard overDress! Return back to the world of Vanguard overDress with new support for Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, and Stoicheia!

This brand new set will see a revival of Yu-yu Kondo and Vairina Erger! And that’s not even mentioning the Dress Secret Rare editions of Diabolos, “Violence” Bruce and Apex Ruler, Bastion!

A Brush with the Legends

A Brush with the Legends

But that’s not all! This set will also introduce brand new Encounter Cards! See some old faces return to the battle, including many creatures featured in Vanguard lore!

A Brush with the Legends

Don’t miss out on all the goodies that come inside! Whether you are new to overDress or a champion of the format, you will want the magic in this set.

A Brush with the Legends comes out on July 23rd, 2021!

Get all your TCG news at The Bag of Loot! www.thebagofloot.com

Get all your Cardfight!! Vanguard needs at Three Kings Loot! www.threekingsloot.com

Tyson Fraleigh - May 26, 2021

Cardfight!! Vanguard: OverDress and Genesis of the Five Greats

Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress and Genesis of the Five Greats are here! This two prong release introduces the newest series in the Vanguard universe. Whether it be pre-built decks or booster packs, this release set is going to change the meta in big ways.

But what should you expect from these two releases? Let’s check it out.


Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress is a brand new series coming out in 2021. This new series is meant to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Vanguard’s inception. With this series release, Vanguard has released pre-built decks that the main cast will be wielding through the story.

Cardfight!! VanguardCardfight!! VanguardCardfight!! VanguardCardfight!! Vanguard

These starter decks introduce five new nations to the game: Dragon Empire, Dark States, Keter Sanctuary, Brandt Gate, and Stoicheia! All of these new nations has additional support from Genesis of the Five Greats.

Genesis of the Five Greats

Genesis of the Five Greats is a brand new booster set in the world of Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress. As mentioned previous, it will offer support to the five new nations. It has also added a new mechanic known as Alchemagic for the Stoicheia nation, allowing you to potentially trigger the benefits of two cards at once!

Check out these out!

And these are just the beginning. If you want to get all of the greatness coming from this set, make sure to pick up your booster box set today!

Get all your board game news from The Bag of Loot! www.thebagofloot.com

Get all your Cardfight!! Vanguard needs at Three Kings Loot! www.threekingsloot.com