Welcome to my little nook, traveller. We have lot of trinkets and do-dads if that catches your interest?
Oh, a mana reading? That can definitely be done. I just need to know one thing – what mana colour catches your eye? What one do you really find yourself attracted to the most often?
Let’s take a look at what your horoscope has to say…
A blue mana kinda person, huh? I see.
I can see a lot of logic puzzles in your future. You enjoy the simple things in life – as long as you understand them to the most minute detail. You never say ‘that’s enough’ – it’s an endless build of knowledge for you. Logic and reason are the best ways to fix your difficulties.
You also have a bit of a mischievous nature. You enjoy toying with your food before you eat it. The whole fun of the game is being able to mess with your opponent a little bit. Give them hope – and then immediately crush it.
Just be aware – you’re hubris could be your downfall. If you are facing a deck colour such as White, Black, or Green with big board capabilities, make sure you have something to deal with them. Otherwise, the hunter may become the hunted.
Ah yes – you have fire in your heart.
Passion and anger are two things tied very close together. Whether you do this for the art or for the pain, that’s up to you. It doesn’t matter when you burn your opponents into ashes.
You are the master of swarm control. No matter if it is herds of animals coming out of the brush with Green, or armies of undead with Black, you are able to make sure they don’t get too comfortable. And that’s not even getting started on how many Planeswalkers you’ve wiped.
While your destruction potential is immense, you do need to be cautious of those pesky Blue mana players. Fire is only as good as it burns, and Blue can often cause you to burn out before you know it.
A lot of growth here – Green mana, thick and thin.
You are an extrovert – when it comes to plants and beasts, that is. Lots of decks worry about having lots of creatures and people to back them up. But why bother with a bunch of people when one huge mammoth will do the work just as well?
You have a lot of friends out in the woods. It doesn’t matter their kin, origins, or allies. They are willing to help you swarm a battlefield at the drop of a hat.
The only thing that really gets you nervous is those pesky Red players – if they are able to wipe your starting board before the game even really begins, your toast. Be wary of fire, traveler, very wary…
Mm, very interesting. A black mana fanatic – darkness lingers here.
So, what is your preferred poison? Creature removal? Massive hoards of the undead? Sneaky rogues? You have it all. The only thing connecting all these things together is your joy in twisting the knife in your enemy. Victory is not enough – hope must be destroyed. You must crush your opponents by any means necessary.
While your ambition may lead you to some total wipe-outs, be wary – enemies are lingering everywhere against you. Be cautious especially of White – if you are not careful, they might end up with more health than you could ever imagine.
Ah, a true believer. White, through and through.
Being a White deck player means you have some friends in high places. Generals, Rulers, and Gods are your allies. Things like resurrection, healing, and controlling large enemies are every day boons to you. If Red and Black are worried about winning the short game, you are looking to the long game. You don’t need to rush – everything will fall into place eventually.
However, while you may have friends in high places, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry about your opponents. Watch for Blue mana decks especially. If key cards to boost your health are countered, you may find yourself in a very tricky situation.
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