Tag: ultimate-price

Bruce Gray - October 14, 2015

Casual Encounters – The Ten Commandments of Casual Deck Construc...

Mountainside Crypt

The Ten Commandments of Casual Deck Construction

by Bruce Gray – Casual Encounters

Hi again everyone and welcome back to another Casual Encounter! With Battle for Zendikar being out and now legal in Standard, there has been an explosion of decks being built. Brewers of all stripes have sat down and put their thoughts together to make a pile of sweet new decks. I have been in the process of building some of my own new decks, but instead of eyeing playing tier 1 Standard decks I’m looking to build decks to play casually. I’ve always had some unspoken guidelines that I’ve kept in mind when building these decks, but I’ve never actually sat down and laid them all out in front of me. Today I have compiled my personal top ten commandments for building my casual decks and will share them with you. At the end, if you have any others that you feel should be added or things that don’t work for you, leave a message or send me a tweet and let me know!

Let’s clear up a few things before we get started. When I say “casual” I’m talking about any time you just sit down with a buddy or two on a Saturday night and just jam a few games. You are playing Magic, but not with an express interest in winning (although winning is fun). You are looking to enjoy the company of your friends and have games of Magic where something interesting, surprising, or intriguing happens. So, if your deck is too powerful, or too weak, your experience is just not going to be as good because you will either dominate or get run over and your games will run out of steam. Neither experience lends itself to fun game play. So, when trying to build a deck I try to follow as many of these rules as I can. Without further ado let’s check out The Ten Commandments of Casual Deck Construction.

10) Thou shalt build a deck that is good…but not too good. Playing the oppressive tournament winning deck is no fun for your friends. It’s ok to have this built and to play it once in a while, but if this is your go-to deck you will quickly find that your friends lose interest or don’t like to play against that deck. Pull it out and play a game or two with your scary good tournament deck, but then put it back in your deck box and grab something else.

9) Thou shalt look for synergy over raw power. Synergistic decks are always more fun and can be deceivingly powerful. Once you get the momentum going you are hard to derail and can be capable of some pretty explosive things. One such example of a synergistic deck that is perfect for Casual play are Simic decks featuring the Evolve mechanic and lots of +1/+1 counters. The Simic deck can be slow to get going, but once you get that Zegana or Master Biomancer up to speed your deck gets hard to handle. Decks featuring somewhat obscure or tricky combos like Sanguine Bond/Exquisite Blood are other great examples of where synergy can totally take over a game, but the deck doesn’t need to ruin the experience for everyone..

8) Thou shalt play those janky bulk rares. Those terrible, unplayable cards can give you much joy and give everyone a good laugh because no one thought they would see play…ever. I’m looking at you Felhide Spiritbinder and Blessed Reincarnation. These sorts of cards can do powerful things if you are prepared to actually play them…sometimes with unintended consequences…and that always makes for great stories. Don’t be gun shy, just run’em. You’ll see.

7) Thou shalt remember that commons and uncommons are your friends. Most Casual players have boxes of commons and uncommons that just sort of sit around and don’t do very much. However, these very playable cards can be leveraged into good value during a game if you are committed to running them. A couple of recent examples are the uncommons from Fate Reforged like Elite Scaleguard, Temur Sabretooth, and Mistfire Adept that can be very powerful but often get overlooked in constructed in favor of just more raw power. Kitchen Table Magic is the perfect place for these to flourish.

6) Thou shalt play an imperfect mana base and that is okay. Really, it’s O-K. No one expects you to have all the most current dual lands / fetch lands / creature lands / make rainbows & skittles fly out of their back side lands. Plus it is way cheaper. WAY cheaper !!!

5) Thou shalt play seven mana (or bigger) spells and not even blink twice. I think this is self explanatory.

4) Thou shalt play expensive, but useful creature destruction. We all know how removal has changed over time. Long gone are Terror, Dark Banishing, Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile. Instead we get much more conditional removal that is either slower (at sorcery speed), more narrow (like Ultimate Price) or just plain expensive like Spiteful Blow Pinion Feast that tack on an extra effect. There is actually an incentive to play these less mana efficient cards outside of Limited when you head on to the Casual game. The extra ability (that usually makes the spell so expensive to cast) actually can help your deck do what it wants to do. I always use the example of Spiteful Blow in a deck with a fair amount of land destruction because now you get a 2 for 1 out of this spell that plays into the theme of your deck. Pinion Feast is fine removal in a deck looking to leverage lots of +1/+1 counters. Would I be clambering to play a full playset of these things? No. But there is a place for 1 or 2 of the more unusual spells. Besides to play a million copies of Hero’s Downfall is expensive and not fun.

3) Thou shalt play unusual artifacts. Hello Pixis of Pandemonium.

2) Thou shalt play answers to a little of everything. Since you really don’t get a chance to sideboard you need to play an answer to most sorts of things. Creature destruction obviously, but artifact and enchantment removal are key too. You can slide in some counter spells. No opponent wants to be locked out of the game on account of counter magic, but they do have their place. This takes up more card slots and increases your variance, but variance can make for fun game states with someone having the surprise answer in hand that can swing the whole game around.

1) Thou shalt remember that it is just a game and that you are paying for fun.

Notice I don’t say you can’t play this, that, or the other thing. Anything goes. Provided that your deck is mindful of things like your opponents and having a fun and interactive game, you can play that Ugin or Karn. You can go all aggro if you want, but maybe not quite as aggro as the winning deck at the last big tournament. You can do anything you like, but remember that you are playing for fun. Giving some consideration to the other players will help make your experience far more enjoyable for everyone.

Here’s an example of a deck I have built that fits many of these rules and would be an excellent example of a good casual deck:

B/W Counters

So, let’s look at the number of commandments I’ve hit on with this list. It’s not just rares (#10), relies mostly on synergy (#9), plays a couple of janky rares (Foul Renewal for sure)(#8), has lots of commons and uncommons (#7), the mana base is a long way from being flashy or perfect (#6), and answers to a range of things (#2). That’s quite the number of goals that I’ve met and I have no doubt that the deck would fare just fine in a match with some friends. I’ve been toying around with this in the play rooms on MTGO and have seen some reasonable success by giving as good as it gets. More importantly, no one is going to look at this deck and just balk. It’s respectable, has a chance to win every time, and is looking to interact and make the game fun for everyone. It’s not a fancy deck, but it showcases many of the ideas I have been trying to illustrate.

Have I missed anything? Is there anything on my list you don’t agree with? Let me know. There are loads of people out there who play casually and I would love to hear what other people do as they sit down to make up their decks. So, leave me a message or fire me a tweet and let know.

Thanks very much for stopping by for a read. Until next time have yourself a great MTG day and I’ll talk to you guys next time!


By Bruce Gray – Casual Encounters

@bgray8791 on Twitter

Eric Jeffrey Seltzer - July 25, 2015

Ultimate Price FNM October Promo

Ultimate Price FNM October Promo

Trick or treat? It looks like Wizards has a rather spooky and spicy offering coming up for the FNMs during the month of Halloween. Fitting that they should select a black card to promo and what a hot one to boot. Ultimate Price has been a card that been making the rounds during its time in Standard, helping TEN players to Grand Prix titles including Canadians Alex Hayne & Pascal Maynard, Japanese Yuuya Watanabe & Yuuki Ichikawa, Brazilians Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa & Philippe Monlevade, Mexican Marlon Gutierrez, and Americans Brian Braun-Duin, Owen Turtenwald & Kyle Boggemes. Now that’s truly a world class line-up and if they were able to use Ultimate Price to its fullest then certainly it has proven to be a worthy card. Finding it’s way into some top flight decks such as Mono-Black Devotion, Esper Dragons, B/W Control or Abzan Megamorph Control in the past you can be sure to see it continuing to find it’s way into more winning lists before it leaves Standard again. The best part of this card is the creepy art by Scott Murphy who is sure to have many more awesome offerings for us in the future. So good luck on grabbing up one of these, they’re sure to disappear as fast as Shaggy and Scooby after seeing a g-g-g-ghost !!!

@ejseltzer on Twitter

Three Kings Loot - November 3, 2014

Dragons of Tarkir spoiler – Card gallery and artwork

Dragons of Tarkir Preorders

Preorder your singles now!


Release notes

  • Set Name: Dragons of Tarkir
  • Block: Set 3 of 3 in the Khans of Tarkir block
  • Number of Cards: 264
  • Prerelease Events: March 20, 2015
  • Release Date: March 27, 2015
  • Launch Weekend: March 27–29, 2015
  • Game Day: April 18, 2015
  • Magic Online Prerelease Events: April 3–April 6, 2015
  • Magic Online Release Date: April 6, 2015
  • Magic Online Release Events: April 6–22, 2015
  • Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir: April 10–12, 2015
  • Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir Location: Brussels, Belgium
  • Official Three-Letter Code: DTK
  • Twitter Hashtag: #MTGDTK


MTGDTK symbol


Magic: the Gathering – Dragons of Tarkir PreRelease

Clan seeded pack

The Dragons of Tarkir Prerelease Pack gives players their first opportunity to play with Dragons of Tarkir cards at your Prerelease events. Players choose from one of five different Prerelease Packs.

Contents :
•4 Dragons of Tarkir booster packs
•1 Fate Reforged booster pack
•1 seeded booster pack
•1 Activity insert
•1 Clan information card
•1 Spindown Life Counter
•1 clan identity button

Choose Your Dragon Clan

Dromoka: A fiercely defiant clan that embodies endurance. The Dromoka clan favors white and green mana.

Ojutai: The patient and wise clan that embodies cunning. The Ojutai clan favors white and blue mana.

Silumgar: A conceited and prideful clan that embodies ruthlessness. The Silumgar clan favors blue and black mana.

Kolaghan: The swift and unpredictable clan that embodies speed. The Kolaghan clan favors black and red mana.

Atarka: A ferociously strong clan that embodies savagery. The Atarka clan favors red and green mana.

At your local Gamer Shop, there may be selfie-props with dragon breath on a stick as well as the incredibly lame bowling for humans dice game.

[source: mtg-realm]

DragonsFury game 

Dragonfury Dice SetTarkir Dragonfury game


Dragons of Tarkir Promos

[Link to DTK promos]


Spoilers card gallery


Clone LegionDromoka's CommandMyth RealizedIcefall RegentAinok SurvivalistCommune with LavaVial of DragonfireWandering TombshellBelltoll DragonDamnable PactSilkwrapSurrak, the Hunt CallerAtarka MonumentCustodian of the TroveDromoka MonumentDuressHerdchaser DragonKolaghan MonumentOjutai MonumentSarkhan's TriumphScion of UginSilumgar MonumentTapestry of the AgesArtful ManeuverAvatar of the ResoluteAssault FormationQarsi DeceiverIre ShamanWarbringerHaven of the Spirit DragonShieldhide DragonDisplay of Dominancedragon whispererencase in icemirror mockeryself-inflicted woundsilumgar's scornSurge of RighteousnessAnafenza, Kin-Tree SpiritKolaghan's Commandcrater elementalDragonlord's PrerogativeAcid-Spewer DragonCollected CompanyEnduring ScalelordHidden DragonslayerRuthless DeathfangSavage VentmawSwift WarkiteSarkhan UnbrokenDragonlord Ojutaiepic confrontationstormwing dragonsunbringer's touchCunning BreezedancerDragonlord Atarkaroastshorecrasher elementalsilumgar's commandUltimate PriceBlood-Chin FanaticDescent of the dragonsDen ProtectorArashin ForemostAnticipateAtarka's CommandDragonlord DromokaOjutai ExemplarsZurgo BellstrikerDragonlord Kolaghanlightning beserkerSilumgar AssassinAven SunstrikerDragon Fodder 2Dragonlord's Servant 2Evolving Wilds 2Foe-Razer Regent Gudul LurkerMarang River SkeletonNarset TranscendentSalt Road AmbushersScaleguard Sentinels 2Stormcrag ElementalArashin SovereignBoltwing MarauderHarbinger Of the HuntNecromaster DragonOjutai's CommandPristine SkywiseRadiant PurgeShaman of Forgotten WaysSunscorch RegentAerie Bowmasters Dragon Tempest Dragonlord Silumgar Ojutai's Summons Profound Journey Sandcrafter Mage Sidisi, Undead Vizier Silumgar Butcher Sprinting Warbrute Stampeding Elk Herd Stratus DancerDeathbringer regent


Regional PTQ

Dragons of Tarkir Regional PTQ



Haven of the Spirit DragonDeathbringer Regent (Launch Promo)Kolaghan's commandRadiant PurgeDragon WhispererSelf-inflicted woundAnafenzaEpic ConfrontationEvolving WildsRoastShorecrasher ElementalDragonlord DromokaNarset Transcendent artworkOjutai artwork 2Ojutai artwork 3Ojutai artwork 4Ojutai artwork 5Ojutai artwork 6Ojutai artwork 7Ojutai artwork 8Ojutai artwork 9Ojutai artworkAerie BowmastersDragon Tempest Dragonlord Silumbar Profound Journey Sidisi, Undead Vizier Stratus DancerDragonfire Vials MTGDTK Artwork 2 MTGDTK Artwork 2 Jeskai Artwork Jeskai monasteries artwork Kolaghan Vial of Dragonfire

Narset Zurgo BellstrikerMTGDTK Artwork 3

Eric Jeffrey Seltzer - July 23, 2014

Mono-Black Devotion by Dan Jessup (1st at SCG Baltimore Standard Open ...

Mono-Black Devotion - Urborb, Tomb of Yagmoth

Mono-Black Devotion by Dan Jessup

1st Place at StarCityGames Standard Open on 7/19/2014
Once again a new set emerges and we find the usual suspect at the top of the heap. It’s been quite a while now that Pack Rat has been able to grind its way to victory. As the new meta tries to find itself again it looks like it was a good choice once more. Hopefully we will see something new emerge but we do have only a couple months until Pack Rat is gone from Standard, quite likely for good.
Mono-Black devotion is no stranger to the Champion’s Deck and as such hardly needs an explanation. It attacks on two axies  both of which are capable of decisive kills. The ideal opening for the deck comes from turn one Thoughtseize to strip away their answer into turn two Pack Rat which then proceeds to lay down the beats so fast that most opponents need to rely on top decks to stay alive. Alongside the Rat we find a full set of Mutavault which basically act as an anthem for the Pack to gnaw away at the enemies life points, and as a bonus often attack through as well. The other side of the coin has a trio of creatures sliding up the mana curve with Nightveil Specter first as a three drop which contributes all three as devotion and is able to build added value by stealing the opponents options away especially when the Scry and leave the card on top forgetting exactly what Specter will do. Next is huge beater Desecration Demon at four and while it is possible for the opponent to hold him off for a while it is an inevitable conclusion that unless they remove him from the board he will smash in for significant damage. The third creature in at the five drop slot is Gray Merchant of Asphodel that while on the surface not much more then a glorified wall has a very useful draining ability that can be a finishing blow, and as a bonus from Pack Rat its tokens as they are exact copies they add devotion as well. Talking about adding devotion we have Underworld Connections to help draw into more threats and answers along with M15 reprint Sign in Blood, which consequently acts as a Shock to the face to kill your opponent should they be at two life or less. The flipside has a full set of Thoughtseize to strip the opponent of his threats and answers while providing you with information to be sure to have a good defense ready. The remaining spells in the deck form the removal package with a set of  Hero’s Downfall, trio of  Bile Blight, pair of Devour Flesh and a singleton Ultimate Price sure to find answers to many of the problems you’ll find along the way. The other M15 addition to the deck is Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth which pair with Mutavault is able to turn the inherent disadvantage from them in this Black mana hungry deck into a non-factor, but as it is legendary the solo copy is fine basically replacing a Swamp.
Now while I won’t argue that this deck is a strong choice as it has been consistently performing above the curve it is certainly not a deck to plan towards the future with. Unless you are planning to compete in FNMs during the summer or are heading to a WMCQ then I would keep away. Once we reach rotation in a couple of months with Khans of Tarkir a huge chunk of the meat from Mono-Black devotion is going to rotate out. But if you do plan on beating face all summer long then this deck is certainly one that will be consistent, but often time boring and repetitive. If you do take the plunge just understand what you’re getting into.
Eric J Seltzer
@ejseltzer on Twitter
Email: ejseltzer@hotmail.com
Eric Jeffrey Seltzer - May 26, 2014

Orzhov Midrange by Charlie Rinehart (1st at SCG Somerset Standard Open...

Banishing Light - Orzhov Midrange

Orzhov Midrange by Charlie Rinehart

1st Place at StarCityGames Standard Open on 5/24/2014

Charlie Rinehart was able to stymie SCG circuit superstar Chris VanMeter on his mission to shave off his beard, which he has sworn to wear until he is victorious in a major tournament. This came down to a battle of the Midrange decks after both successfully dispatched Esper Control decks in their semifinal matches. While CVM chose to attack the format with an ever popular style with Jund, Charlie took a different route and combined the strengths of Black and White known as Orzhov midrange, which has been a powerful choice of late.

The deck follows some similar lines that this formats bogeyman Mono-Black Devotion has in using a trio of creatures that form the foundation of the Black deck. We see the pest know as Pack Rat as the two drop of choice in the deck, quick to grow into a swarm of vermin if unchecked and synergistic with the manland Mutavault to big fast and effective beats to the enemy. There is also Lifebane Zombie which against the Green based monster decks is truly effective but also is able to sneak past most defenders to either chip away at life totals or finish off annoying planeswalkers. Then continuing up the curve we the other borrowed creature with Flying powerhouse Desecration Demon which is a bargin at four converted cost and will most often force your opponent to sacrifice his worst creature in an effort to stave off the onslaught for another turn, but eventually he will be out of fodder and you’ll have a gigantic flying demon. Then we get to the creatures which helped to inspire the dabble into white. There are two five drops which both help the deck to recover lost life points first with a singleton of the legendary Obzedat, Ghost Council which also has a great synergy with another singleton Whip of Erebos that allows it to be returned from the grave and then use its own trigger to stick around for more turns after. The other five drop is the powerful and elusive Blood Baron of Vizkopa with not only Lifelink to assure that you remain alive against aggressive strategies but also protection against both White and Black which ensures it dodges a lot of the formats removal to ensure it keeps you alive and kicking. The last creature is a one of Sin Collector which work with the other key disruption in your deck Thoughtseize to provide important information about the opponents plans and strip away a valuable card. For planeswalker power we find Theros Block superstar Elspeth, Sun’s Champion which this deck is often able to drop down behind some protection then use it to ramp up the board state into a one sided slaughterhouse on your road to victory, and is also a very key as additional removal to rid the board of huge monsters that have accumulated on the other side of the table. As far as removal is concerned this deck is rife with a plethora of choices starting with a full set of the creature and planeswalker killer Hero’s Downfall, then also adding pairs of Ultimate Price to rid the board of any of the many mono-colored creatures in the format, Bile Blight that functions as the decks sweeper although it is limited to shrinking all copies of one particular card, and as a catchall answer Banishing Light which is able to remove a good variety of threats. The final card is the decks only real source of card advantage, although the scrylands do help filter bad draws, with another choice borrowed from Mono-Black with Underworld Connections that is so key for this deck to grind out small bits of advantage to try and pull ahead to seal the deal.

While certainly not a newcomer to the format it is a very powerful deck and shows that a lot of the raw power comes from that old faithful Mono-Black. Don’t hesitate to jump on this deck as it has the ability to power through the format. It is definitely one of the juggernauts that will help to close out this Standard format over the next few months.
Eric J Seltzer
@ejseltzer on Twitter
Email: ejseltzer@hotmail.com

Eric Jeffrey Seltzer - April 15, 2014

Champion’s Deck – Mono-Black Devotion by Nicolas Schoolcra...

Mono-Black Devotion
Nicholas Schoolcraft
1st Place at StarCityGames Standard Open on 4/12/2014
Lifebane zombie
Yet again we have another victory notched into the belt of Mono-Black Devotion. It would seem at this point that people are hopeful that Journey Into Nyx will be able to offer some variety to a format which while mixed seems to cede in the end to this deck. And while this is a very similar deck to what has been played previously there are some interesting tweaks.


The most apparent difference in this list from those past is the exclusion of Nightveil Specter for a very different evil in Lifebane Zombie. It looks like taking the extra precautions to hedge against Green Monsters and White Weenies paid off. His removal package, which is usually constructed for what you’re idea of the meta calls for, consisted of a full four Hero’s Downfall, a trio of Devour Flesh and two copies each of both Ultimate Price and Bile Blight. The other interesting point of note is that he went for two sets of Temples for the Scry power, which is very handy in conjunction with Underworld Connections when you’re low on life but absolutely need to find something specific.

So with what has been spoiled so far from Journey Into Nyx I’m not convinced that we’ve gotten anything new to bolster this deck. We could stretch and say as a possible 1 of that Hall of Triumph would additionally beef up your already pretty big Pack Rat swarm, but I’d expect it more in the Mono-Blue Devotion instead to ensure your MASTER tokens didn’t disappear along with their Master. There is still many more cards left to come and so we will wait to see if it gets more weapons or if the rest of the field gets a level up to push Mono-Black Devotion back to a more equal footing.
Eric J Seltzer
@ejseltzer on Twitter