Tag: mtgsoi

Dan Erickson - March 14, 2016

Shadows Over Innistrad Promos

 Shadows over Innistrad Promos!Shadows preorder Website banner

A new set means new promos, and there are some exciting-looking ones this time around! Let’s take a look at the Shadows over Innistrad Promos!

Shadows over Innistrad Release Promo


Angels are sweet, and eight-drop angels with incredibly-powerful abilities seem tailor-made for limited and EDH. You know what else is great for EDH? Awesome promo foils. Make sure to get one at your pre-release for your Mael deck.

Shadows over Innistrad Buy-a-Box Promo


I actually prefer the regular art flavour-wise, but a foil double-sided card seems sweet, and this art is certainly much more aggressive-looking.

Intro Decks Promos

Intro packs Shadows Over Innistrad promos

Drogskol-Cavalry-Shadows-over-Innistrad-Spoiler Nephalia-Moondrakes-Shadows-over-Innistrad-SpoilerMarkov-Dreadknight-Promo-Shadows-over-Innistrad-SpoilerFlameblade-Angel-PromoSoul-Swallower-Promo
Most of these seem like limited bombs and nothing else, but keep an eye on Soul Swallower. Four mana for a 6/6 trampler is nothing to sneeze at, and this guy does demand an answer if you have your graveyard set-up. Picking up a few intro packs to foil out your swallowers doesn’t seem like a bad idea, given the power level.


Shadows Over Innistrad Gift Box Promo


The alternate art is sweet, and two-mana madness enablers are always keeping an eye on.

Game Day Promos


Speaking of Madness cards, hello friends! Attacking for 7 on turn three seems like something I want to do, and even if the bloodseeker turns back into a 1/3 you still have your 4/3. Also, look how cool this art is. At the very least, you can give these out as passive-aggressive gifts to your local rowdy youngsters.

Game Day Top 8 Promo


Incredible art + incredible card = make sure you top 8 your Game Day. Saving one mana off of Utter End is huge, and this card will definitely see play in most decks that can cast it.

Game Day Champions Playmat

Shadows Over Innistrad promos Game Day

Avacyn just doesn’t seem like she’s having the greatest day here, does she? This mat looks sweet, and is yet another reason to make sure you’re at your local Game Day.

Gregoire Thibault - November 1, 2015

Shadows over Innistrad – Release Notes, Cards & Artwork Gal...

Shadows preorder Website bannerSOI Icy Stone

Shadows over Innistrad

The set that brought us Snapcaster mage and Geist of Saint Traft returns!

SOI Set Symbol


Release Notes

Set Name – Shadows over Innistrad
Block – Set 1 of 2 in the Shadows over Innistrad block
Number of Cards – 297

Prerelease Events – April 2, 2016
Release Date – April 8, 2016
Launch Weekend – April 8–10, 2016
Game Day – April 30–May 1, 2016

Magic Online Prerelease Events – April 15-18, 2016
Magic Online Release Date – April 18, 2016
Magic Online Release Events – April 18-May 4, 2016

Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad – April 22-24, 2016
Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad Location – Madrid, Spain
Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad Formats 

  • Swiss: Standard & Shadows over Innistrad Draft
  • Top 8: Standard

Official Three–Letter Code – SOI
Twitter Hashtag – #MTGSOI

Initial Concept and Game Design

  • Mark Gottlieb (lead)
  • Mark Rosewater
  • Ken Nagle
  • Gavin Verhey
  • Sam Stoddard
  • Adam Lee

Final Game Design and Development

  • Dave Humpherys (lead)
  • Tim Aten
  • Ethan Fleischer
  • Erik Lauer
  • Ari Levitch
  • Sam Stoddard
  • with contributions from Matt Tabak

Languages – English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

Available in – Booster Packs, Intro Packs*, Fat Pack*, Deck Builder’s Toolkit*, Gift Box*
(*-Not available in all languages. Not all products available on Magic Online.)


Shadows over Innistrad promo page here


Card Gallery


alwayswatching angelicpurge angelofdeliverance apothecarygeist archangelavacyn avacynianmissionaries boundbymoonsilver bygonebishop catharscompanion chaplainsblessing dauntlesscathar declarationinstone descenduponthesinful devilthornfox drogskolcavalry eerieinterlude emissaryofthesleepless etherealguidance exposeevil gryffsboon hanweirmilitiacaptain hopeagainsthope humblethebrute inquisitorsox inspiringcaptain militantinquisitor moorlanddrifter nahirismachinations nearheathchaplain notforgotten odriclunarchmarshal openthearmory paranoidparishblade piousevangel puncturinglight reaperofflightmoonsilver silverstrike spectralshepherd sternconstable strengthofarms survivethenight tenacity thaliaslieutenant thrabeninspector topplegeist towngossipmonger unrulymob vesselofephemera


aberrantresearcher brokenconcentration catalog compellingdeterrence confirmsuspicions daringsleuth denyexistence drownyardexplorers drunaucorpsetrawler engulftheshore epiphanyatthedrownyard erdwalilluminator essenceflux fleetingmemories forgottencreation furtivehomunculus geralfsmasterpiece ghostlywings gonemissing invasivesurgery jacesscrutiny jaceunravelerofsecrets justthewind lamplighterofselhoff naggingthoughts nephaliamoondrakes niblisofdusk ongoinginvestigation piecesofthepuzzle poreoverthepages pressforanswers rattlechains recklessscholar risefromthetides seagrafskaab silburlindsnapper silentobserver sleepparalysis startledawake stitchedmangler stitchwingskaab stormriderspirit thingintheice trailofevidence uninvitedgeist vesselofparamnesia welcometothefold


accursedwitch almsofthevein asylumvisitor behindthescenes beholdthebeyond bitingrain callthebloodline creepingdread crowofdarktidings deadweight diregrafcolossus elusivetormentor everafter farbogrevenant fromunderthefloorboards ghoulcallersaccomplice ghoulsteed gisasbidding grotesquemutation heiroffalkenrath houndofthefarbogs indulgentaristocrat kindlystranger lilianasindignation macabrewaltz markovdreadknight mercilessresolve mindwrackdemon morkrutnecropod murderouscompulsion oliviasbloodsworn palerideroftrostad pickthebrain rancidrats relentlessdead rottenheartghoul sanitariumskeleton shambleback sinisterconcoction stallionofashmouth stromkirkmentor throttle toothcollector totheslaughter triskaidekaphobia twinsofmaurerestate vampirenoble vesselofmalignity


avacynsjudgment avacynthepurifier bloodmadvampire breakneckrider burnfromwithin convictedkiller dancewithdevils devilsplayground dissensionintheranks dualshot embereyewolf falkenrathgorger fierytemper flamebladeangel gatstafarsonists geierreachbandit geistblast gibberingfiend goldnightcastigator harnessthestorm howlpackwolf hulkingdevil incorrigibleyouths innerstruggle insolentneonate kessigforgemaster lightningaxe madprophet magmaticchasm malevolentwhispers pyrehound ravenousbloodseeker reducetoashes rushofadrenaline sanguinarymage scourgewolf1 senselessrage sinprodder skininvasion spitefulmotives stensiamasquerade structuraldistortion tormentingvoice ulrichskindred uncagedfury vesselofvolatility villagemessenger voldarenduelist wolfofdevilsbreach


aimhigh autumnalgloom briarbridgepatrol bywaycourier clipwings1 confronttheunknown crawlingsensation cryptolithrite cultofthewaxingmoon deathcapcultivator duskwatchrecruiter equestrianskill forkintheroad gloomwidow grafmole groundskeeper hermitofthenatterknolls hinterlandlogger howlpackresurgence inexorableblob intrepidprovisioner kessigdireswine lambholtpacifist loamdryad mightbeyondreason moldgrafscavenger moonlighthunt obsessiveskinner packguardian quilledwolf rabidbite rootout sageofancientlore seasonspast secondharvest silverfurpartisan solitaryhunter soulswallower stoicbuilder thornhidewolves tirelesstracker traversetheulvenwald ulvenwaldhydra ulvenwaldmysteries vesselofnascency veterancathar watcherintheweb weirdingwood


alteredego anguishedunmaking arlinnkord feveredvisions invocationofsainttraft nahiritheharbinger oliviamobilizedforwar prizedamalgam sigardaheronsgrace soringrimnemesis thegitrogmonster

Flip Cards

aberrantresearcher perfectedformaccursedwitch infectiouscursearchangelavacynavacynthepurifier arlinnkordarlinnembracedbythemoon autumnalgloom ancientoftheequinoxavacynianmissionarieslunarchinquisitors breakneckriderneckbreaker convictedkiller brandedhowlerdaringsleuth bearerofoverwhelmingtruthsduskwatchrecruiterkrallenhordehowler elusivetormentor insidiousmistgatstafarsonistsgatstafravagers geierreachbanditvildinpackalpha hanweirmilitiacaptain westvalecultleaderheiroffalkenrathheirtothenight hermitofthenatterknollslonewolfofthenatterknolls hinterlandlogger timbershredderkessigforgemasterflameheartwerewolf kindlystrangerdemonpossessedwitch lambholtpacifist lambholtbutcherneglectedheirloomashmouthblade piousevangelwaywarddisciple sageofancientlore werewolfofancienthungerskininvasionskinshedder solitaryhunteroneofthepack startledawake persistentnightmarethingintheiceawokenhorror thrabengargoylestonewingantagonizer towngossipmonger incitedrabbleuninvitedgeistunimpededtrespasser villagemessengermoonriseintruder westvaleabbeyormendahlprofaneprince


chokedestuary drownyardtemple forebodingruins forest1 forest2 forest3 forsakensanctuary fortifiedvillage foulorchard gametrail highlandlake island1 island2 island3 mountain1 mountain2 mountain3 plains1 plains2 plains3 porttown stonequarry swamp1 swamp2 swamp3 warpedlandscape westvaleabbey woodlandstream

Booster Packs



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