Tag: wasteland

Gregoire Thibault - June 17, 2016

Eternal Cards For the Casual Player

Optimum Jank – Eternal Cards For the Casual Player


IMAGE - CRYPT - Matt Stewart - Mana Crypt


The Best of The Rest


Eternal Masters is finally here and there’s a lot to be excited for. Everyone is ready to play the Booster Pack Lottery hoping to open any of the set’s marque cards. And what a lottery it is, with the possibilities of opening Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Karakas, Wasteland and Mana Crypt.


CARD - Mana Crypt OldCARD - Mana Crypt New

Mana Crypt is a particular interesting story: It has only ever seen two unconventional printings before this one. It was initially redeemable through a mail-in coupon offer in the old line of Magic novels and its only other printing was a Judge Programme promotional card. This is the first time that players will be able to play with Mana Crypt in an actual non-Cube Magic set. As you can imagine, its extreme rarity combined with its popular demand means that it caries a pretty hefty price tag. A price tag players are hoping will come down with this fantastic new printing.


What does that mean for you, the Casual Magic player? Is Mana Crypt a card you should play? The answer is unequivocally yes, because fast mana in Magic is pretty broken. But is it the card you can afford? Is it a card you need? Do you really need to oppressively crush your friends in casual games with powerful cards like the Crypt?


The strongest aspect of Eternal Masters is that it is truly offering something for everyone. In this article, I’d like to highlight a number of cheaper but nevertheless interesting and exciting reprints you can pick up. These certainly won’t be close to the most powerful cards in the set, but they’re all fun cards to build around and definitely worth considering when brewing.


IMAGE - ELVES - Kev Walker - Llanowar Elves


Anything but Common


Our first card in the spotlight is Elvish Vanguard. With its only other printing as a Rare way back in Onslaught, Elvish Vanguard has been downgraded to a measly Common in Eternal Masters, which will simply crush its current price of $3 USD.


CARD - Vanguard Old CARD - Vanguard New


Elvish Vanguard is a pretty fun card because it is an Elf version of another fan favourite: Champion of the Parish (which grows larger whenever a Human enters the battlefield). The advantage of Champion is its lower mana cost (W vs Elvish Vanguard’s 1G) meaning it has the capability to start swinging on turn 2 for two points of damage. What I like about the Vanguard, however, is that Elves tend to “go wide” faster than almost any other tribe in Magic. While it is not uncommon to have a 6/6 Champion of the Parish with a few Humans backing it up by turn six, it isn’t outside the realm of possibility to have a 12/12 Elvish Vanguard with a ridiculous amount of Elves backing it up by turn six.


Are there more broken things one can do with Elves? Absolutely. Elves are so powerful that one can build competition worthy decks in Pauper, Legacy and sometimes even Modern. The number of broken combos one can power out with Elves certainly overshadows a pump/boost plan with Elvish Vanguard, but the tactic is still a fun one and something that you can certainly build around to challenge your friends with.


What I like most about Elvish Vanguard is the possibility of his being a double edged sword. Unlike Champion of the Parish which only looks for Humans that enter under your control, Elvish Vanguard grows whenever any Elf enters the battlefield. This means that if your opponents are playing Elves as well, he’ll get bigger whenever they play an Elf spell… which sounds great! They play Elves and my Vanguard gets bigger?! Sign me up! Well, remember: If your opponent is playing a Vanguard as well, their Vanguard will benefit from your Elves too. Something to keep in mind during the Vanguard mirror matches.


As a final incentive, this is the first time this card has been printed in the new M15 border and sports some fantastic new art by Steve Prescott (which I unfortunately could not find at a higher resolution). If nothing else, this is a fun and modernly beautiful addition to consider in any type of tribal Cube, Pauper or Commander deck.


IMAGE - BURNING - Raymond Swanland - Burning Vengeance


Once Again for the Second Time


One of my favourite Uncommons found in Eternal Masters is Burning Vengeance. I returned to Magic when New Phyrexia hit shelves and remember the excitement for the original Innistrad, the set immediately following New Phyrexia. Innistrad was the first set I ever attempted to play Sealed with, but I was still unsure about drafting at that time. I unfortunately missed out on drafting what has since been refereed to as one of the best Draft environments of all time. Even though I never had the chance to play an optimal Burning Vengeance Draft deck, I did open a Sealed pool with two Burning Vengeance and effectively went all-in on the card.


It. Was. Glorious.


CARD - Burning Vengeance


If you’ve never played with Burning Vengeance, it is extremely fun and challenging. It requires a solid understanding of your deck and an ability to quickly evaluate multiple lines of play. Constantly evaluating the cards in your hand and the cards in your graveyard and the best way with which to sequence your next few moves makes for very exciting Magic games.


I’m not sure how easy Burning Vengeance will come together in an Eternal Masters draft, but it’s definitely worth a try if you can open it early pack 1.

In terms of casual games, Burning Vengeance works fantastically well with Secrets of the Dead; drawing cards for doing what you already want to be doing is great value. Eternal Masters already pairs Burning Vengeance with Flashback and Retrace, two mechanics that allow you to cast cards from your graveyard. Outside of Eternal Masters, there are a handful of cards that grant Flashback or pseudo-Flashback to cards in your graveyard such as Past in Flames, Snapcaster Mage, Toshiro Umezawa and Goblin Dark-Dwellers. Another neat deck for Burning Vengeance is the Zombie Vengeance deck. There are a surprising number of Zombies that can be cast from your graveyard such as Gravecrawler, Risen Executioner, Scourge of Nel Toth and Skaab Ruinator; all of which will trigger Burning Vengeance or Secrets of the Dead when doing so.


IMAGE - HONDEN - Jim Nelson - Honden of Nights Reach


Come Honden


Last but not least, I want to mention the Honden cycle of cards.


CARD - HondenW CARD - HondenU CARD - HondenB CARD - HondenR CARD - HondenG


The Honden cycle was originally printed in Champions of Kamigawa and has been a staple in many Cubes. The cycle produces a bonus during your upkeep that is multiplied by the number of Honden you control. Controlling one of each Honden would net you 10 life, allow you to draw 5 cards, force your opponent to discard 5 cards, do 5 damage to a target creature or player and put 5 1/1 Spirit tokens onto your side of the battlefield during your upkeep.


So… That’s fun.


Casually speaking, the Honden cycle is a fantastic addition to any Cube that already has a 5 colour theme. For example, I once played a Cube with a 5 colour Allies theme and adding the Honden to that Cube would have given drafters an extra incentive to go deeper into the particularly daunting territory of drafting a 5 colour deck.


When drafting Honden in Eternal Masters, I would highly suggest focusing on Honden of Night’s Reach and Honden of Infinite Rage. They are, in my opinion, the most powerful of the five, despite Honden of Seeing Winds providing straight card advantage. The reasons why I feel Red and Black’s Honden are stronger is that they are the cheapest in casting cost and they actively affect your opponent’s game plan as quickly as possible. Honden of Infinite Rage takes care of early creatures and chump blockers and Honden of Night’s Reach forces your opponents to discard at every one of your turns, preventing your opponents from holding answers and providing you with card advantage quickly.


IMAGE - BBE - Raymond Swanland - Bloodbraid Elf


To Eternity, And Beyond


That’s it for this week’s look at Eternal Masters. My only regret is not having more space to talk about all the other cool cards that permeate this set. There are so many neat cards at all rarity levels being reprinted that I could probably write five more articles and still not be able to cover them all. Hopefully this small look at some of the niftier build around cards will excite you enough to take a look at the set and pick up some of the other offering found therein. Did you find this article helpful and informative? Leave a comment in the Comments section below!


Eric Jeffrey Seltzer - February 15, 2016

Eternal Masters – Release notes, Gallery and Artwork

Eternal Masters Facebook bannersTKL_04_Cover_final


LogoEternal Masters symbol

Wizards of the Coast just dropped an A-Bomb on us with the upcoming release announcement of Eternal Masters !!! Now I know what you’re thinking, are we going to be getting our Dual Lands reprinted finally ?!?!? Sadly and obviously the answer to that question was already addressed in their announcement that no cards from the Reserved List will be reprinted in this set BUT we already know not one but TWO of the all-stars that are going to be in the set. It should be no surprise that both Wasteland and Force of Will are in and have already been previewed with some incredible new art, Force of Will having a reworking by the original artist Terese Nielsen. The most exciting aspect of this announcement is that they’ve decided to name it Eternal Masters and not Legacy Masters which leads me to believe that we could see some needed reprints of both Vintage and Modern staples as well. With four months to wait before the release of the set will be upon us you can be sure that there will be endless lists of speculation as to what we should expect to see but there are a few things that come to mind. I would be really excited to see any awesome reprints but some these seem like they are well overdue. It’s doubtless that cards like Show and Tell or Sneak Attack would be very well received. I’m certain nobody would complain about Snapcaster Mage or Sensei’s Divining Top and there’s definitely great choices of planeswalkers with either Liliana of the Veil or Jace, the Mind Sculptor. There’s also tons of utility cards like Flusterstorm, Abrupt Decay or Thoughtseize which could easily make the list. That doesn’t even begin to look at the possible lands like Karakas, Rishadan Port, Ancient Tomb or the notably absent from reprint so far ZendikarFetchlands. So no doubt the debate will rage on for months about what is and isn’t included in the set and all we can do is wait patiently and prepare, because if you haven’t already set yourself up with those Reserved List Eternal staples then pretty soon they’re going to be gone the way of the Dodo.

Set Name Eternal Masters

Number of Cards 249

Release Date June 10, 2016

Magic Online Release Date June 17, 2016

Official Three–Letter Code EMA

Twitter Hashtag #MTGEMA

Initial Concept and Game Design

Tom LaPille (lead)
Ethan Fleischer
Aaron Forsythe
Bryan Hawley

Final Game Design and Development

Adam Prosak (lead)
Sam Stoddard
Bryan Hawley

Languages Available English, Japanese, Chinese Simplified

MSRP $9.99


Eternal Masters Packaging

Eternal Masters Booster packs

Card previews

armadillocloak bloodfellcaves blossomingsands dismalbackwater duplicant emmessitome extractfromdarkness flamekinzealot glareofsubdual juggernaut junglehollow millikin mindlessautomaton pilgrimseye prismaticlens relicofprogenitus ruggedhighlands scouredbarrens sphinxofthesteelwind swiftwatercliffs thornwoodfalls1 thunderclapwyvern tickinggnomes torrentofsouls tranquilcove trygonpredator windscarredcrag wornpowerstone xantidswarm yavimayaenchantress zealouspersecutionduplicant emmessitome juggernaut millikin mindlessautomaton pilgrimseye prismaticlens relicofprogenitus tickinggnomes wornpowerstone xantidswarm yavimayaenchantressabundantgrowth brawn centaurchieftain civicwayfinder communewiththegods elephantguide elvishvanguard flinthoofboar fog harmonize hondenoflifesweb imperiousperfect invigorate llanowarelves lysalanahuntmaster naturesclaim rancor roarofthewurm roots sealofstrength sentinelspider silvosrogueelemental sylvanmight thornwealdarcheravarax battlesquadron beetlebackchief borderlandmarauder carbonize craterhellion desperateravings dragonegg faithlesslooting ferventcathar flamejab ghituslinger hondenofinfiniterage keldonchampion keldonmarauders kirdape moggfanatic moggwarmarshal orcishoriflamme pyrokinesis recklesscharge seismicstomp siegegangcommander stingscourger toothandclaw undyingrage youngpyromancerannihilate blightsoildruid1 bloodartist braidscabalminion carrionfeeder deadbridgeshaman duress eyeblightsending gravedigger havocdemon hondenofnightsreach lysalanascarblade maliciousaffliction nekrataal nightswhisper phyrexiangargantua phyrexianrager plaguewitch prowlingpangolin skulkingghost twistedabomination urborguprising victimize visarathedreadful wakeofvultures wakedancerarcanis the omnipotent cephalidsage deep analysis dreamtwist1 factorfiction futuresight gaseousform glacialwall hondenofseeingwinds inkwellleviathan jettingglasskite memorylapse merfolklooter peregrinedrake phantommonster phyrexianingester screechingskaab serendibefreet shorelineranger silentdeparture spritenoble stupefyingtouch tidalwave wardenofevosisle wonderbenevolent bodyguard calciderm coalition honor guard eight and a halftails elite vanguard faiths fetters field of souls glimmerpoint stag honden of cleansing fire humble intangible virtue jareth leonine titan kor hookmaster mistral charger monk idealist pacifism raise the alarm rally the peasants seal of cleansing second thoughts serra angel shelter soul catcher wall of omens war priest of thune welkin guide whitemane lionaven riftwatcher ballynock cohort brago king eternal Heritage Druidsulfuricvortexemperorcrocodile manowar innocentblood winterorbWildfire EmissaryAncestral Mask FireboltArgothian Enchantress Brainstorm Goblin Trenches Isochron Scepter Karmic Guide Price of Progress sinkholeBurning Vengeance Giant Solifuge Green Sun's Zenith Natural Order Nausea oonas grace Quiet SpeculationCall the Skybreaker hydroblast Pyroblast Squadron Hawk Wee DragonautsWrath of GodAshnod's Altar mystical tutor VoidChain LightningBaleful Strix Cabal Therapy Counterspell Dualcaster Mage Gaea's Blessing Giant Tortoise Hymn to Tourach Ichorid Maelstrom Wanderer Nevinyrral's Disk Prodigal Sorcerer Regal Force Rorix Bladewing Shardless Agent Unexpectedly Absent Vampiric Tutor Vindicate Control Magic Diminishing Returns Enlightened Tutor Entomb  Worldgorger DragonMaze of IthMana Crypt sylvan librarytoxicdelugegamblebloodbraidelfchromemoxdazedeathriteshamangoblincharbelcherjacethemindsculptornecropotencenimblemongoosesneakattackForce Of WillWasteland


Artwork Gallery

Eternal Masters Artwork 1x

Eric J Seltzer
@ejseltzer on Twitter

Eric Jeffrey Seltzer - May 9, 2014

4 Color Loam by Niklas Kronberger (1st at Bazaar of Moxen 9 Legacy Mai...

Champion’s Deck

Life from the Loam - 4 Color Loam

4COLOR LOAM by Niklas Kronberger

1ST Place  BOM9 Legacy Main Event Top 8 – May 2ND 2014

The Bazaar of Moxen is a four day Eternal Magic event in Europe featuring Vintage, Legacy and Modern tournaments. Every year a devoted crowd makes a pilgrimage to compete for amazing prizes and have a great time. We’ve already featured the Modern Main Event winners decklist for you and here we present the Legacy. It is based around the interaction of Life from the Loam with the toolbox of lands and the creatures which interact favorably with that design. At its core we have a Junk deck, the combination of White, Black and Green, with a splash of Red to gain a little extra reach. It has heavy elements of disruption but also a formidable creature package capable of finishing the match in short order.


The title of the deck comes from the decks engine card Life from the Loam which is able to return lands from your graveyard to your hand and has the added benefit of Dredge to pull itself back from the grave to continue the cycle. This is invaluable to the deck as you have a lot of interaction involving sacrificing or discarding lands to advance your plan starting right with the decks fast mana source in Mox Diamond. There is also a slew of lands in your manabase which will naturally find their way to the grave starting with the disruption staple Wasteland which is an absolute blowout when recured every turn to shut down the opponents mana, the decks fetchland Verdant Catacombs, and the trio of card draw in Horizon Canopy, Barren Moor and Tranquil Thicket. There is also the creature land Dryad Arbor which can find itself used turn after turn as a chump blocker if the need so arises. Speaking of creatures we then get to those beatdown creatures which will lock down the game for you with Tarmogoyf, Scavenging Ooze which also does double duty to brutalize opponents graveyards if they are using it as a resources, and the Knight of the Reliquary which can balloon to epic proportions while searching up the decks toolbox of lands. And in the Knights toolbox we find Maze of Ith to nullify large creature based aggro strategy, Karakas which is absolutely necessary to fight against decks like Sneak and Show cheating legendary fatties into play way ahead of curve, and also Grove of the Burnwillows which combos with Punishing Fire to pick off pesky creatures at a very reasonable price. Adding to the draw from the land package there is also Dark Confidant which with an average converted mana cost over the sixty cards at less then one will pay off in spades and the powerful card selection tool Sylvan Library. There is pseudo-card draw from Green Sun’s Zenith which will search up your most relevant Green creature including the Arbor if that’s what you need. For the disruption we have some extremely powerful tools starting with Chalice of the Void to work against specific decks strongest cards at that cost, there is Gaddock Teeg to nullify high cost non-creature spells especially Force of Will, and Liliana of the Veil where you’ll be able to swing the discard disadvantage back towards your favor while working to control the battlefield. The final piece of our puzzle comes with pinpoint destruction from Abrupt Decay which in Legacy is such a power piece of removal and is able to hit such a variety of targets.


So while this is not a new strategy for Legacy it is a very strong deck that in the right metagame makeup is able to find its way to success. We certainly will see this strategy continue to thrive and grow as it gets stronger every time a new utility land is printed that it can find use for. We will see if it continues to show itself at the top tables or if players find answers to hedge against its power.

Eric J Seltzer
@ejseltzer on Twitter
Email me at ejseltzer@hotmail.com
Eric Jeffrey Seltzer - April 24, 2014

Champion’s Deck – RUG Delver by Morgan McLaughlin (1st at ...

RUG Delver
Morgan McLaughlin
1st Place at StarCityGames Legacy Open on 4/20/2014

Brainstorm Duel Decks

Another old favorite once again proves it’s dominance by taking the top spot over the weekend. RUG Delver also known as Canadian Thresh is a Tempo-Control build that is packed with some of the most efficient spells from the history of Magic. Putting together a complete package of threats, disruption, draw and removal this deck can do it all. And the curve of the deck lies in a gentle slope between one and two mana, with only one at three and the five mana spell almost exclusively cast for free.

Starting with the threats the decks ideal first turn play is a Delver of Secrets with the hopes of a blind flip or an upkeep Brainstorm to start the 3 power beatdown. Alternately there is a second one drop from Nimble Mongoose which will also turn into a 3 power beater with just a few turns of casting spells or cracking fetches. What was once called the best Blue creature of all time is next with Tarmogoyf, so called because it is so efficient Blue decks would splash Green solely to cast this big bad green dude. We round out the package with a True-Name Nemesis which is a fantastic creature, but in my opinion is almost wasted outside of a Stoneforge Mystic deck. For our permission suite there is a well rounded bunch headed by Legacy staple Force of Will and Daze, both of which will often be cast free for their alternate costs, backed up by Spell Pierce and the situationaly good Spell Snare. The draw power starts with another format staple Brainstorm and Ponder with a pair of Gitaxian Probe which double to also reveal your opponents gameplan. Finally for removal there is Ponder and Chain Lightning to either remove pesky creatures or dome the opponent, and a set of Wasteland in the manabase to disrupt their mana in such a dual land dependent format.

I always loved the precision and efficiency of this deck and it’s great to see it continue to perform well. As always it’s hard for Legacy to get new cards printed able to compete with the best of all time so it will be nice to see some new players come possibly out of the upcoming Conspiracy set, but if not I’m still more then happy to have classic decks like RUG Delver keep raising the victory flag.
Eric J Seltzer
Eric Jeffrey Seltzer - January 14, 2014

Champion’s Deck – BUG Delver by Laurence Moo Young (1st Pl...

Hymn to Tourach
BUG Delver
Laurence Moo Young
1st Place at StarCityGames Legacy Open on 1/12/2014
Lands (20)
Creatures (14)
Planeswalker (2)

Spells (24)


In conclusion to an amazing Magic weekend that showcased a finals match covering Standard, Modern and Legacy we were rewarded from Laurence by a deck which is a bit of a blast from the past. The BUG list has been no stranger in Legacy being born from a deck that was most often referred to as Team America. The game plan of the deck is to lead with heavy land and resource disruption early to then drop a fatty and ride it to victory with counter backup.

The deck is capable of some strong starts off the back of Deathrite Shaman which works overtime into the long game by either healing you or bleeding your opponent. The Elf is complimented by our favorite insect, fitting for a BUG deck, by Delver of Secrets which synergizes with the decks draw power from Brainstorm and Ponder to be sure to flip into flying Lightning Bolts. That leads into solid hand disruption with Liliana of the Veil and Hymn to Tourach ripping their hand to shreds. For removal we have Liliana able to force sacrifice and Abrupt Decay to deal with the abundant amount of low cost permanents in the format. Once you have somewhat stabilized the board you have Tarmogoyf and Tombstalker ready to bring the beats and make quick work of what remain of your enemies life total. The glue that hold the deck together is a permission package comprised of free counters with full sets both of Force of Will and Daze. Add to that primo non-basic land destruction from Wasteland and you’ve got a tight shell that’s primed to take on the variety that Legacy is going to throw at it.
Eric J Seltzer
@ejseltzer on Twitter
Gregoire Thibault - November 16, 2013

Deck of the Day: Death and Taxes (Legacy GP Washington D.C. Qualifier ...

Death and Taxes
Qualifier #8 – Christian Espensen
GP Washington D.C. Qualifier Winner
23 lands
26 creatures
11 other spells
Death and Taxes
Qualifier #3 – Mark Benning
GP Washington D.C. Qualifier Winner

23 lands

10 other spells