Tag: splinter-twin

Gregoire Thibault - December 7, 2014

Modern Masters 2015 Edition

Modern Masters 2015 logo


Announcing Modern Masters 2015 Edition

Wizard announced it’s next installment of Modern Masters 2015 to be released May 22, 2015. The set will take players back to some of the more remarkable Magic the Gathering planes such as Zendikar, Mirrodin, Ravnica, Lorwyn, Kamigawa and Alara. A number of the cards will have new artwork and every card will be legal in Modern format. The set promises players a new draft experience by playing some of Magic’s most iconic cards just like the first MM.

Every box of Modern Masters 2015 Edition contains 24 booster packs [each with 15 randomly inserted game cards, including one premium card in every pack] making it perfect for exciting draft play.

MM2015 symbol

Release notes

  • Set Name: Modern Masters (2015 Edition)
  • Number of Cards: 249
  • Release Date: May 22, 2015
  • Twitter Hashtag: #MTGMM2015
  • Initial Concept and Game Design: Erik Lauer (lead), Ben Hayes, and Ken Nagle
  • Final Game Design and Development: Tom LaPille (lead), Ben Hayes, Max McCall, and Adam Prosak
  • Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese Simplified


Modern Masters 2015 Edition will be releasing on Magic Online May 29. The digital MSRP will be $6.99. It will not be available for redemption.

Card Gallery


SpellskiteSplinter TwinEtched ChampionVendilion CliqueTarmogoyfKarn LiberatedEmrakul, the Aeons Torn


Modern Masters 2015 artwork

Eric Jeffrey Seltzer - March 14, 2014

Deck of the Day – UWR Twin by Samuel Tharmaratnam (10th at Grand...

Splinter Twin
U/W/R Twin
Samuel Tharmaratnam
10th Place at Grand Prix on 3/9/2014
From the time it was discovered that Splinter Twin could be paired with Twin in order to create an infinite army to smash your opponent it has been abused in every way possible. Its short life in Standard left people wanting to continue to abuse this interestingly unique interaction and has lead to several different iterations of this combo kill. Traditionally Blue/Red was the build of Twin but lately there’s been a new spin adding Green while this version of the deck goes for White.

While the main combo finish involves enchanting an Exarch with a Twin there is a redundancy package which includes Restoration Angel that can interact with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker as a secondary plan to create infinite token creatures. One way the White splash helps in this deck comes from Wall of Omens which is part of the decks draw engine and especially abusive if you Twin in, but more importantly in a new meta which is partially defined by recently unbanned Wild Nacatl a four toughness two drop can be the sole difference between holding off a ruthless assault and holding on to combo the win. Additional draw comes from format staple Serum Visions with its Scry ability to not only draw valuable cards but also filter unneeded cards away and a one of Desolate Lighthouse allows you to dig through the deck to find answers or missing combo pieces. For removal with this deck having access to both Red and White we find the requisite format all-stars Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile both efficient and effective for their purpose. There is also Swan Song as a light permission suite to handle at an very cheap cost many of the problems that the deck might face and the token you give usually not problematic, with the removal able to handle most other problems. A full set of Snapcaster Mage are able to rebuy all of your used instants and sorceries to effectively double the amount of draw, removal and counters in your deck. As an alternate beatdown plan the deck sports a full set of Celestial Colonnade to bring the ‘death from above’ should the game stall into a draw out affair. Finally a one of Spellskite in the maindeck is there as a hedge preboard in the mirror and also a way to draw removal away from your combo creatures so you can go off unhindered when you’re ready for the kill.

Eric J Seltzer
@ejseltzer on Twitter
Gregoire Thibault - October 31, 2013

Deck of the Day: Patrick Dickmann Splinter Twin (Grand Prix Antwerp Ch...

Kiki-Jiki Mirror Breaker

Splinter Twin

Patrick Dickmann

Grand Prix Antwerp 2013 Champion – Modern

Main Deck

60 cards

23 lands

15 creatures

22 other spells
