PIRATE BORG is exactly as it sounds – madness and adventure on the high seas! Used in conjunction with the MORK BORG base rule set, PIRATE BORG will have everything you need to have an adventure of mythic proportions.
This expansion book will have plenty of new things to really get you in the plundering mood. Play as any of the new six class options, including the Buccaneer and the Swashbuckler! Begin your journey with a lesser ship, such as a simple raft or a Sloop, and fight your way up to a Frigate or Ship of the Line.
Not only does this expansion book have new in-game goodies for you, it also has created easy to understand, rules-lite game mechanics for running ship combat! Storm enemy vessels with cannon fire, storm their decks, and take their booty for yourself.
One additional thing for all our 5e lovers – there will be a 5e Bestiary zine! If you spend a little extra on their Kickstarter, take all of the monsters from PIRATE BORG and use them as in your next D&D seafaring campaign or one-shot!
PIRATE BORG comes out in October, 2022! Back your copy here!
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