Tag: overdress

Tyson Fraleigh - May 26, 2021

Cardfight!! Vanguard: OverDress and Genesis of the Five Greats

Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress and Genesis of the Five Greats are here! This two prong release introduces the newest series in the Vanguard universe. Whether it be pre-built decks or booster packs, this release set is going to change the meta in big ways.

But what should you expect from these two releases? Let’s check it out.


Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress is a brand new series coming out in 2021. This new series is meant to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Vanguard’s inception. With this series release, Vanguard has released pre-built decks that the main cast will be wielding through the story.

Cardfight!! VanguardCardfight!! VanguardCardfight!! VanguardCardfight!! Vanguard

These starter decks introduce five new nations to the game: Dragon Empire, Dark States, Keter Sanctuary, Brandt Gate, and Stoicheia! All of these new nations has additional support from Genesis of the Five Greats.

Genesis of the Five Greats

Genesis of the Five Greats is a brand new booster set in the world of Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress. As mentioned previous, it will offer support to the five new nations. It has also added a new mechanic known as Alchemagic for the Stoicheia nation, allowing you to potentially trigger the benefits of two cards at once!

Check out these out!

And these are just the beginning. If you want to get all of the greatness coming from this set, make sure to pick up your booster box set today!

Get all your board game news from The Bag of Loot! www.thebagofloot.com

Get all your Cardfight!! Vanguard needs at Three Kings Loot! www.threekingsloot.com