Tag: new-awakening

Tyson Fraleigh - March 22, 2022

New Awakening!

New Awakening is the next upcoming booster box release for the Digimon TCG! This set will see some powerful introductions into the game, including brand new dual colour Digimon and Tamers and Armor Form Digimon!

Why only take one colour when you can take the best of two? That’s right – this set release will introduce dual colour cards to start building into dual mana decks! Mix and match red, blue, yellow, green, black, or purple decks to your hearts desire, creating dangerous match ups. Use dual Tamer cards to help boost your memory and even unsuspend your multicolour Digimon, such as Davis Motomiya & Ken Ichijoji!

Multicolour Digimon are not the only powerful forms taking the meta by storm. Armor Form Digimon from Digimon Adventure 02 are making their TCG debut! These powerful alternative Digivolve forms will offer massive possibilities when it comes to how you want to build and power your new decks.

If you happen to be more collector than player, there are still many goodies to get your hands on. Keep your eyes out for some powerful parallel Tamer cards to build up your memory in a big way! Also be prepared for some pre-release versions of AeroVeedramon Zero and UlforceVeedramon Zero to pop up for booster box toppers.

New Awakening comes out on May 6th, 2022!

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