Originally part of the Rule Expansion Gift Set, Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse is finally having its solo release! You will now be able to dive into the strange and alien world of both men and monsters from across the known worlds!
As a reminder, Monsters of the Multiverse is your all in one guide for different monsters and races you have seen outside of the Player’s Handbook and Monster Manual. This collection book will ensure you don’t have to carry around every expansion sourcebook to your next game. Instead, you will have access to every monster card you need, edited down so DMs can run them with ease! Martial classes have been summarized and spellcasters have been tinkered to allow DMs to play them on the fly!
Even more than that, this sourcebook has access to all the playable races in the game, a total of thirty different options. No longer will you need to search through seven different books to remember race abilities. It will all be in here!
This single book release will be a welcome choice for anyone who has already collected Xanathar’s Guide to Everything and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything without the Rule Expansion Gift Set. Make sure to pick up this guide to keep up to date on all your character build and monster slaying needs!
Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse comes out standalone on May 17th, 2022!
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