All the Khans of Tarkir promo have been announced. The buy-a-box promo Rattleclaw Mystic looks very nice and so does the Game day top 8 promo Utter end. I wouldn’t mind picking up one of each of these promos for my collections. Game Day promos will be available at the event, each participant gets a Heir of the Wilds. Game day top 8 also receive a Utter End while the Champion also gets the Playmat. Rattleclaw mystic you should get with a box depending how the local gaming store (LGS) distributes them, like some only give one per case (6 boxes). The final promo is the Dragon Throne of Tarkir which you can get at Launch on the 26 sept at any participating LGS.
Good luck at your events! May you never have to mulligan and all your packs give you mythic rares.