G/R Monsters
Jonathon Habel
1st Place at StarCityGames Standard Open on 2/22/2014
This deck is nothing new as this big monster strategy has been very successful for the past few months but what strikes me as odd was that the new players from Born of the Gods Xenagos, God of Revels and Courser of Kruphix are inexplicably absent from this list. Seeing as he did win the event I’m not so much questioning the decision but more wondering the reasoning, was it some sort of meta choice or more of a card selection issue.
Colossal Gruul
Makihito Mihara
Top 8 Pro Tour Theros – Standard
Main Deck
60 cards
23 lands
28 creatures
0 other spells
9 planeswalker
This is your pretty standard big green monsters deck. With basically 40 creatures if you include the Mutavaults the strategy is to just keep throwing creatures on the battlefield and turn them sideways. The deck has a very solidly progressive curve but the huge beasts like Kalonian Hydra and Polukranos quickly turn the game in your favor. And with so many green mana symbols coming out devotion is used to full effect by Reverent Hunter and the green God Nylea. If you like decks that just beat face then this is definitely the one for you.