Tag: campaign-guides

Tyson Fraleigh - April 15, 2021

Dude, Where’s My D&D Campaign? (Round 1)

Looking for your next D&D campaign? Let us help you find your next campaign guide to explore the world of Faerun and beyond! Whether you are looking for some dark and gloomy, or something rife with high fantasy adventure, we will help you find the best campaign guide for you!

Let’s get straight to it with –

Curse of Strahd

Curse of Strahd is not for the weak of heart. Set in a dark, gloomy expanse of Barovia, Strahd’s domain is riddled with undead, dark magics, and the broken willed. You will face off against gothic monsters of all varieties – werewolves, ghouls, ghosts, and of course, vampires.

For this game, for everything good in this world, have a cleric. Have a larger party. Hell, take a Paladin too. And, perhaps most importantly, have a back-up character ready. You are going to need them. This game is brutal for a smaller party. It’s near impossible without a healer of one kind or another. If your the DM and your party doesn’t have a cleric, give them one. I’m not kidding. They will need it.

Tomb of Annihilation

Right off the heels of one undead land, let’s travel to another. The island of Chult is riddled with adventure – dinosaur races, unmapped jungles, and undead. Throw in a strange contraption known as The Soulmonger (such an awesome name) and an ancient lich who is enacted a Death Curse, and you have a Indiana Jones style adventure ready for the taking.

Similar to Curse of Strahd, this campaign can be brutal for a small party without healers. The Death Curse mechanic makes it impossible for resurrection, so you need to make sure you are granting healing as you fight. Also, make sure you have a Ranger. It will make traversing the jungles that much easier.


Mythic Odysseys of Theros

Ah, Theros. A land where mortals and the immortals are constantly at odds. Theros is based on Greek myth, filled with monsters of all varieties. Fight for the will of a god and gain piety, or go against divinity and see what happens. No matter your choice, it is a high fantasy adventure that won’t disappoint.

What makes Theros very interesting is that since it is inspired by Greek myth, every god has two faces. The gods are prideful, arrogant, and make decisions based on their own interests. It is suggested in game to lean into the the contradictions of gods, and to decide which one will be the game villain. It doesn’t mean they are entirely evil – it just means that perhaps they have been a real jerk and messing with humanity. Theros offers a lot of possibilities when exploring some big themes about the relationship between the divine and humanity.

The piety mechanic is also worth checking out! It has some big bonuses for those who are divinely inspired.


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