Tag: betrayal-at-house-on-the-hill

Tyson Fraleigh - March 3, 2022

Betrayal at House on the Hill – 3rd Edition!

Betrayal at House on the Hill is getting a update! In the upcoming 3rd edition, expect some brand new characters, stories, and updated artwork!

Betrayal has been a main stay in the board gaming world for a while. This classic cooperative game has players work together to explore a dark and frightening house. With every new room entered, each player will have to face challenging obstacles and dangers. Depending on the room entered, you may have make a Haunt roll. If you roll lower than the amount of Omen cards all the players have, the Haunt begins, and one of the players at the table becomes a traitor!

The newest edition will see a number of revamps to the game. Board pieces, such as the characters models and the room tokens, have brand new artwork. There are brand new characters to play, each with new abilities and skill spreads. There will be new Event, Item, and Omen cards to keep you on your toes, and brand new traitor scenarios! If you have completed all the adventures in the 2nd edition box, then get ready for a whole new set of terrifying monsters to play and kill.

Betrayal at House on the Hill comes out August 1st, 2022!

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