Hordeling outburst FNM promo looks great. This is the version you want to get, the original artwork were scarcer from Ugin’s Fate promo packs and weren’t foils. This is a goblin card i’d like to see play, could be in a token deck with Ponyback Brigades. The newest Mardu Alesha, Who Smiles at Death from Fate Reforged works well with the Brigade and Goblin Rabblemaster. We got some of the pieces to start a Mardu token deck right there, what’s the endgame though? I’ve gone off topic… So far I haven’t had any use for Hordeling Outburst other than in Limited Format. I hope this changes so we don’t end up with another sub par FNM promo.
(link to Fate Reforged full spoiler list)
Sandsteppe Mastodon is not the most exciting promo card. Especially being such a high casting cost Green creature. It`s an elephant that stops fliers though, that`s quite a feat.
Mardu Shadowspear is a much cooler promo reminding me of a very cool vampire Pulse Tracker. It was an auto include in almost all the Vampire decks. Cheap casting cost and guranteed 1 point of damage after each attack. The new Dash ability is very interesting as well, there could be some Enter the Battlefield shenanigans possibly with this new ability. Yep this is one of the Fate Reforged promos I’m looking forward too.
Supplant Form one more of the cooler Fate Reforged promos. This instant comes with two nifty abilities, bounce a creature and clone it for 6 mana though. It maybe too expensive for other formats other than EDH/Commander. It still a cool promo that may see some play.
The exclusive playmat for the Game Day champion with a fantastic picture of Ugin. It’s a beautiful playmat with an awesome Dragon & Planeswalker, best of both worlds for some.
I’m not too excited with Shamanic Revelation as a buy-a-box promo, another Green card that may see more fringe play then constructed. It’s draw for Green though so I should not be too quick to judge, let time tell. It’s better than Life’s Legacy. I guess for now it works for EDH/Commander decks where Green is definitely a popular color.
Fate Reforged prerelease will introduce special promo ‘Time Shifted Cards’. During the event you get to pick your Tarkir Clan and will also receive a special ‘Ugin’s Fate’ booster pack which contains a Token, a Land card and certain amount of ‘Time Shifted Cards’ from a pool of 40 holo foil stamped cards with alternate art which demonstrates how the plane of Tarkir has changed. The PAX Australia panel showcased three of these cards.
Fate Reforged pre-release will introduce special promo ‘Time Shifted Cards’. During the event you get to pick your Tarkir Clan and will also receive a special ‘Ugin’s Fate” booster pack which contains a Token, a Land card and certain amount of ‘Time Shifted Cards’ from a pool of 40 holo foil stamped cards with alternate art which demonstrates how the plane of Tarkir has changed. The PAX Australia panel showcased three of these cards.