Emrakul the aeons torn
Sneak and Show
Brad Nelson
1st Place at StarCityGames Invitational on 10/27/2013
Main Deck
60 Cards

Lands (19)

Creatures (8)

Spells (33)

The release of Theros has not added many cards to Legacy. There are 2 Swan Song in Brad Nelson and Gerry Thompson’s Sideboards. Those  are all the Theros cards that made it into Sneak and Show, but certainly not the only deck that will be boarding it.
We see 4 Sneak and Show decks in the Top 8 of the Starcitygames Invitational piloted by Brad Nelson, William Jensen, Brian Braun-Duin, Gerry Thompson. I’ve gathered all the lists here so you may compare the slight differences in each list.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
Sneak and Show
William Jensen
2nd Place at StarCityGames Invitational on 10/27/2013
Main Deck
60 Cards

Lands (19)

Creatures (8)

Spells (33)


15 card sideboard

Defensive Grid

Sneak and Show
Brian Braun-Duin
4th Place at StarCityGames Invitational on 10/27/2013
Main Deck
60 Cards

Lands (19)

Creatures (8)

Spells (33)

Swan Song
Sneak and Show
Gerry Thompson
5th Place at StarCityGames Invitational on 10/27/2013
Main Deck
60 Cards

Lands (19)

Creatures (8)

Spells (33)
